Thursday, 19 April 2012

Time for Cake!

Whenever I am feeling unhappy, tired or completely demotivated to do anything there is always one thing that will make me feel better - baking! Today was meant to be a productive day of revision, but by the time it got to 4pm and not a single thought had been given to Marx and his economic and political thought, it was clear that that was never going to happen. After an hour or so sorting through my wardrobe I decided that some cakes needed to be baked. Something about the beating of the eggs and mixing up the ingredients always lets my anger out in a non-violent way, and I'm left with a lovely treat at the end of it too! Plus, my mum was at home and has somehow made it to 50 without ever having made fairy cakes. That needed to change.

Plenty of reasons to get baking!

Decision made. I went downstairs and to the shop and sorted out all my ingredients.

The little guy on the Homepride Flour boxes always makes me smile!

For Christmas I'd been given these cute cake cases which I was excited to use.

Preparation all done. 

And twenty minutes in the oven later....mmmm....

Decoration time, and you can't beat the classic hundreds and thousands in my opinion!

Fancy a cake?

"When you look at a cupcake, you've got to smile!" - Anne Byrn

Niobe xxxx 

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